We support and promote a strong and responsive local government system, develop effective local leaders, educate public officials, public employees and citizens, and build collaborations and partnerships.
What's Happening Now
Courses, Programs, and Events

Budget and Finance Management Virtual Training Series
Webinar Series
The 2023 schedule features municipal finance experts and local government peers who will explain the basics of municipal budgeting while sharing best practices in good governance.

Blight Mitigation Initiative
Webinar Series
Local Government Academy's Blight Mitigation Initiative is designed to help communities respond to the detrimental impacts of neglected, vacant, or abandoned properties. To access an archive of these trainings, please visit the Virtual Academy.

The Virtual Academy
Learning Platform
The Virtual Academy is a digital resource library covering a wide range of topics relevant to local government in Pennsylvania, with digital and print-friendly educational material to support local leaders, public officials, public employees and citizens.

The Fall Lunch & Learn Series
Webinar Series
Local Government Academy’s Fall Lunch & Learn series featured one-hour webinars covering an array of local government topics led by subject matter experts. Visit the Virtual Academy for recordings of these webinar discussions on timely and fundamental topics relevant to local government officials and employees.

Newly Elected Officials Course
In-Person Program
The next Newly Elected Officials Course will begin in December of 2023. Click below to learn about the program.

Run for Office
Webinar Series
Run for Office is a non-partisan, educational webinar series hosted by Local Government Academy featuring a series of virtual Saturday sessions, which ran from November 2020 through February 2021, to help attendees navigate running for an elected office.