Join These Advocates for Good Government

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Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
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Advocates for Good Government
Tucker Arensberg, P.C.
Advocates for Good Government
Advocates for Good Government

Advocates for
Good Government

You can help make local government in southwestern Pennsylvania work.

Local Government Academy is a unique resource for communities. As a non-partisan Non-Profit, we provide free or low-cost training to elected and appointed officials and municipal staff. Advocates make this possible.

But what does that mean for you?

Your sponsorship publicly demonstrates that your organization supports good governance and is willing to invest in education and leadership development for municipal officials and public sector employees.

For inquiries, contact Joy at (412) 586-5659, or e-mail: [email protected].

Become an Advocate for Good Government Now

Your Sponsorship Benefits


Advocates for Good Government
2024 events include the Municipal Intern Fair, the Promoting Excellence Golf Outing held to benefit the Michael Lynch Scholarship Fund, and the 2023/2024 Newly Elected Officials Course. We are a trusted resource for non-partisan education and consistently deliver training to hundreds of municipal representatives each year.

Promote your Message

Advocates for Good Government
Our monthly newsletter is distributed across the region and boasts a mailing list of more than 4,000 subscribers. Sponsorship packages include contributing news articles on key topics, or creating custom promotional articles to spotlight your company.

Developing Content

Advocates for Good Government
Collaborate with us as a subject matter expert for program development as we deliver educational courses to public officials and staff throughout Pennsylvania. Instructor opportunities include at our Workshop Series, Newly Elected Officials Course, and specialized trainings in finance, human resources, public infrastructure, and more.

Custom Packages

Advocates for Good Government
You tell us! The Academy will work with you to develop a sponsorship package that aligns with your goals. Opportunities include a two-part webinar series or online personalized training on matters relevant to municipal governance.